About the Journal

Journal title Quagga: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi
Initials QUAGGA
Subject Educational and Biological Sciences
Grade SINTA 3 Journal, decree No. 164/E/KPT/2021 (2021-2025)
Frequency 2 issues per year (January and July)
DOI Prefix 10.25134/quagga by 
Language English (preferred), Indonesia
Online ISSN 2615-5869
Print ISSN 1907-3089
Editor-in-chief Dr. Anna Fitri Hindriana, M.Si.
Publisher Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Kuningan
Citation Analysis Google Scholar
OAI https://journal.fkip.uniku.ac.id/index.php/quagga/oai

Quagga: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Biologi (Journal of Education and Biology) (p-ISSN 1907-3089; e-ISSN 2615-5869) is a journal managed by the Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Universitas Kuningan (FKIP UNIKU).

This journal is published twice a year (January and July) and contains articles resulting from analytical studies and studies in the fields of education and biology.

The scope of the journal includes:

  • Teaching and Learning in Biology Education
  • Curriculum Depelopment on Biology Education
  • Evaluation of Biology Learning
  • Biology Learning Media
  • Biological Sciences

The journal has been indexed in SINTAGarudaBASEGoogle ScholarCrossrefDimensions, and others.